Sunday, December 29, 2019

Significance of the Hunting and Temptation Scenes in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Free Essay Example, 1250 words

The author offers even a more elaborate description of the slaughter and butchering of the meat, to emphasize its metaphorical significance; butchering of the deer symbolizes the fate that awaits Gawain at his encounter of the Green Knight. Inside the castle, the Lady first tempts Gawain, by entering his room and lying flat with fine adroitness and feigns sleep (Armitage 59); just like the shy deer in the first hunt, Gawain evades confrontation with the Lady. The correlation with the deer hunt is implied clearly, that Gawain is avoiding the lady and her seductions since he does not want to risk offending her; as a chivalrous knight that he is, Gawain is conscious of the fact that he must protect his honor (Brewer 6). Giving in to the temptation of getting seduced by Bercilak s wife would not only be an insult on the Lord of the castle but also on the chivalrous knighthood code; consequently, Gawain remains as coy as the deer and opts to feign sleep rather than to face the Lady. In t his scene, the relation between temptation and wooing is evident as just like the Lord pursues the hunted animals, so is Gawain by the Lady of the castle (Burnley 4). We will write a custom essay sample on Significance of the Hunting and Temptation Scenes in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Unlike the deer, the boar is not an easy kill as it faces it assailants and fiercely fights back by tearing the dogs that attack it thereby hurting them in the process (Armitage 58). Just like the boar, Gawain faces the lady and instead of feigning sleep, he gives her a gracious welcome; the lady s attempt to taunt Gawain by questioning his chivalrous manners is met with gentility at first but after a little pushing, Gawain snaps and bites back.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Effect Of Toujeo Insulin Ad On Blood Sugar And Glucose...

The DTC advertising that caught my attention while watching television was the Toujeo Insulin ad. Toujeo insulin is a once a day insulin that helps lower blood sugar and A1C levels within diabetic patients. The message within this advertisement is very clear and encourages patients to want more for their health. This DTC advertising incorporates aspects like the benefits of DTC advertisments, health literacy, internal locus control and theory of reasoned approach to convey their benefits of this medication. â€Å"Direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising (DTCPA) has grown rapidly during the past several decades and is now the most prominent type of health communication that the public encounters† (C.Ventola 669). This advertisement is trying to get consumers with diabetes to suggest this new medication to their doctor. It encourages the consumer to explore all their options and that even though treating diabetes can be hard to handle, it won’t be with Toujeo. The bo ok states â€Å"Without DTC advertisements, consumers might not know that other treatments are out there† (Athena Du Pre 287). Patients are more likely to ask for these medications at their next office appointment. The advertisement promotes that every patient with diabetes wants to be healthy and the best way to do that is going to your doctor and asking for Toujeo. â€Å"In one U.S. study, 1 in 10 people reported making a drug specific requests at the doctor’s office† (Athena Du Pre 287). There are â€Å"318.9

Friday, December 13, 2019

Are Women Better Listeners Than Men Free Essays

a. I think women are better listeners than men Pro:  ·Women give advice from their own experiences  ·Listen intently  ·Women are compassionate  ·Women are supportive  · Want to know all the facts Con:  ·They talk way too much about one thing  ·Have a tendency to act all-knowing  ·Annoying at times  ·Show more emotion than what is needed  ·Are gossipers b. Capital punishment is no deterrent to crime Pro:  ·Zero percent chance they’ll kill again  ·Not supporting a criminal in jail for a lifetime  ·Wont get on parole and commit their crimes again  ·Discouragement of crime  · Closure for the surviving victims/loved ones Con:  ·Life without parole means the prisoner is taken off the streets for good  ·Execution is expensive  ·Innocent people may die  ·Killing the killer doesn’t make the government any better  ·Poor peole don’t have the income to get good defense c. We will write a custom essay sample on Are Women Better Listeners Than Men? or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Hard† sciences such as math are more difficult than â€Å"soft† sciences such as sociology Pro:  ·More prepared for life situations  ·Fewer people are good at â€Å"hard† sciences in comparison to â€Å"soft† sciences  ·Larger expansion of knowledge  ·Being accurate  ·Ã¢â‚¬ hard† sciences are usually less intuitively understandable than â€Å"soft† sciences Con: Missing job opportunities because less knowledge of each type of science  ·Many â€Å"soft† sciences like sociology are based on observations, which, while making them seem simple, in reality makes the process of research quite difficult  ·there is no objective ground for differentiation, only inclinations of different people d. The production and sale of cigarettes must be outlawed for the health of the American public. Pro:  ·Decreased number of smokers  ·Toxic levels of chemicals found in cigarettes and in medications (Theophylline)  ·Stop underage smokers  ·Stop some littering  ·Saves consumers money Con:  ·losing jobs for all the cigarette makers find alternate bad habits  ·State losing too much money because of the amount of money cigarette sales bring in e. The university should reduce tuition for those students who maintained an A average during the previous year. Pro:  ·It motivates students  ·The costs will be repaid for the university by the growth of its reputation  ·It makes sense from the economic point of view if we view knowledge as the product supplied by the university Con:  ·It may cause tensions between students  ·Grades do not always reflect the real level of knowledge f. ROTC should be made available to all students in U. S. colleges and universities Pro: It increases the possibility of choice for students  ·It allows for simultaneous civil and military study  ·It helps test ones prospective path in life g. The majority of American people support prayer in school Religion is an integra l part of life for many Con:  ·religion is a matter of individual choice  ·this matter is bound to cause a lot of controversy  ·if given an opportunity, various religious groups would compete for support of their particular prayer Dialogue Women appear to be better listeners than men because they’re naturally compassionate, and they have a built-in nurturing spirit that makes them feel like they’re born counselors. They’re focused on what’s being said because they want to know all the fine details, whereas men are primarily â€Å"head-liners† meaning they just want you to get right to the point-â€Å"just say it†. Men don’t seem to have the patience that women have when it comes to listening; they’re moved by what they see, t whereas women are moved by what they hear. Men are usually of few words, and they expect you to read in-between those few words to see exactly what it is they’re trying to say. This is their way of saying that they’re really listening and they really care. I feel the one thing that women should not do is over-dramatize, becoming very emotional, which can sometimes be viewed as a turn-off, even though it’s a part of their nature. I can’t actually say that women are better listeners than men, they just seem like it since they use more words, and relate from their own life experiences, which makes the person speaking feel as though that woman is really paying attention to what’s being said. How to cite Are Women Better Listeners Than Men?, Essay examples