Saturday, May 16, 2020

Time Management - 1132 Words

Effective ways to organize your time are calendars and to do lists. There are many different types of tools to choose from. A simple and easy way to keep a schedule is to use a pen and paper, a cell phone, or you can use a computer calendar. Calendars and to-do lists help you look ahead and write down important dates and deadlines, so you don’t forget. Now you don’t have to write down every single thing you do within a day. What you want to do first is check your syllabus for each of your courses then create a calendar ,which will include all your exams and deadlines for the whole semester, after that you can create a weekly timetable. In this timetable it will have your usual sleep hours, family time, transportation, work hours, meals,†¦show more content†¦The left column, known as the cue column, is used to jot down main ideas and questions. The wide column called the â€Å"notes† column, takes up most of the page and is used to detail and develop the notes in the left column after class. The box in the footer is used to summarize what you read. The Cornell Method benefits students by showing the key ideas and organizing notes for review. The concept map method is a visual method of note taking that captures the relationships among ideas. To develop a concept map you first need to select a topic from a class lecture and then place a circle in the middle of the page. The second step is to create branches off that circle to record the more detailed information. You can draw additional limbs if needed. The third step is to arrange the branches with others that are similar to each other. The fourth step is when a new high level idea is presented create a new circle with its own branches. The last step is to link together related circles or concepts by using arrows and symbols to capture the relationship between ideas. The concept method benefits students by showing the relationships among ideas. The outline method allows one to prior itize information. When using the outline method, note taking begins with roman numerals. The roman numerals represent the main ideas of the discussion. Below the roman numerals are capital letters. These are supporting ideas for the main ideas. Some points will have aShow MoreRelatedTime Management And Its Impact On Students862 Words   |  4 PagesMany students find it hard to manage their time well; whether they are trying to juggle academic responsibilities such as just getting to classes, trying to keep up with the continuous demands of each class like studying, or with trying to complete multiple assignments that have to be completed before the deadline. It can be onerous. 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